Beta-BioLED - The first mobile and personal blood analyzer
What if we put in your hands, the most powerful tool used by doctors to understand your health status ? Beta-Bioled will be able to analyze between 10 to 20 biomarkers known, including at least, cardiac markers, renal function, liver function and lipid profile.
La micro et nano fluidique se présente comme un domaine émergent, dynamique et à fort potentiel de développement. La communauté scientifique qu’elle rassemble est jeune, répartie selon des disciplines couvrant les champs de la physique, du génie des procédés, des micro et nanotechnologies, de la (bio)chimie et de la biologie. Cette forte interdisciplinarité lui confère une identité propre et une grande force mais implique en contrepartie qu’un effort d’échange et de communication soit tout particulièrement consenti. Dans ce contexte, le GDR Micro et Nanofluidique se propose d’apporter un cadre d’échange et de concertation et de poursuivre l’effort engagé par le CNRS depuis plusieurs années. Il souhaite accompagner les ouvertures et évolutions que la thématique doit engager aujourd’hui : stabilisation de la position nationale, ouverture européenne et renforcement des actions industrielles. Son objectif stratégique est de rassembler une communauté pluridisciplinaire, active et visible au niveau européen et international, en rassemblant des acteurs de la recherche publique, des acteurs industriels et associatifs sur des objectifs d’animation et de prospective.
Tasso is revolutionizing blood-based diagnostics by placing the user at the center of the diagnostics process. Patients are able to sample their own blood in the comfort of their home with a device that is safe, simple, and convenient.
Established in 2005 the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) is the only global industry-focused trade association for nanotechnologies. With branches across Europe and the head office in Brussels, NIA collaborates with regulators and stakeholders on the national, European and international levels so as to secure a publicly and regulatory supportive environment for the continuing advancement and establishment of nanotechnologies.
NIA’s capacity to operate globally places it and its Members in a unique position to sustainably advance the commercial interests of the nanotechnology industries.
NIA’s membership consists of both established and up-and-coming companies from a wide variety of industrial sectors. Members of the NIA benefit from it acting on their behalf in globally influential fora, such as the OECD’s Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials and ISO Technical Committee on Nanotechnologies TC 229, and by receiving science- and technology-based expertise through exclusive documents, alerts and articles about contemporary nano developments and events.